“True Democracies Don’t Work in Owners’ Committees”

Desmond Hughes recently wrote an article on the necessity for Owners Committees to be structured so that there is some regimentation in the constitution, to avoid the ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’ syndrome. This is subject to the clear proviso that buyers should be cautious and vet any Owners Committees to ensure their interests are not prejudiced by a scheme designed to lock in owners into an unfair system. Many Owners Committees are professionally run because they are set up by developers but then operated by internationally recognised property management companies. Such companies are subject to rules of accountability; have complaints systems and generally try to preserve their reputation.

Hughes Krupica has had to help owners with restructuring of Owners Committees, to make them better run, and in some cases to restructure to bring such up to a point where international property management companies are willing to manage the properties for owners. Once that happens, the necessity for owners involvement is nominal – generally discussions on raising the monthly fees should be the most controversial item on an agenda, if the estate is running smoothly.

“True Democracies Don’t Work in Owners’ Committees”