Kanyavee Kitthanawong (Kay), Associate
I am a paralegal with proven analytical and critical thinking skills. Innovative and result drive in a pressure environment. Ability to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate as part of a productive team. I am very passionate about inclusion and diversity in the workplace. I enjoy the spectrum of transactions to dispute resolution disciplines and engaging with clients to offer practical solutions.
  • Chinese Language School, Chinese Language Division, Language Centre, National Taiwan University, Scholarship student under Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2022
  • Prince of Songkla University, Bachelor Degree of Laws, 2018-2021
  • University of Malaya Exchange law student Kuala Lumpur, Participant student within conference “Climate Change Law: Past, Present and Beyond” Malaysia 2019
  • South West University of Political Science & Law Chongqing, China, Exchange law student 2018

Kay is an observant, analytical and measured person with a strong degree of commercial awareness based on her willingness to pitch in and assist on difficult works. She can switch from transactional engagements to dispute oriented engagements in her stride.

Approachable Versatlie and Forthright
Can handle transactions and/or litigation

Kay was born in Yala province and spent most of her early adult, study-life and professional life in Hatyai, Songkhla. She also spent time on an Exchange program in China and embraces cultural and social diversity having learned Chinese to a reasonable degree of proficiency in addition to English and her native Thai language. Kay decided to forego the trappings of the City and relocate to Phuket, to pursue her dual passions of legal practice.

International Experience
Embraces Cultural and Social Diversity

Kay has developed a multi-disciplinary mindset through exposure to transactions, legal problems and disputes in a challenging fast paced environment. She has applied this to being practical and thinking about matters in an expansive wide sense at an early stage of her career. When the pressure is high, Kay adapts and her best rises to the surface.

Multi-Disciplinary Mindset
Experienced in Handling Difficult Legal and Commercial Challenges


Bachelor Degree of Laws – Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand


Scholarship student under Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2022 – Chinese Language School, Chinese Language Division, Language Centre, National Taiwan University


Participant student within conference “Climate Change Law: Past, Present and Beyond” – University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Exchange law student 2018 – South West University of Political Science & Law Chongqing, China

Expansive Thinking

Kay is able to see a client problem or objective from different perspectives and offer a rounded view in keeping with her international experiences.

Dispute and Litigation Expertise

Kay has worked on several disputes  including in relation to fraud allegations; property ownership and financial conflict. She therefore has an understanding on the practicalities and realities of a dispute. She is also adept enough to conduct investigative work, observe state agency and private entity conduct and co-produce witness testimony for use in arbitral proceedings.

Contracts - Negotiations, Amendments and Execution

Kay often works on corporate, commercial and real estate matters requiring involvement from the initial understanding – Memorandum of Understanding; Letter of Intent or Reservation Agreement stage, through to transactional documents, deliverables and execution of completion. Her role is supporting in such transactions.

Thai Law Legal Research, Fact Analysis and Legal Opinions

Kay has repeated experience with receiving instructions on commercial issues and problems, analysing those problems in the Hughes Krupica team, researching the law combined with her pre-existing knowledge and converting this information and knowledge into a pointed refined and practical legal opinion with her team and supervisors for clients to present to their investors, boards to consider before taking decisions involving risk and strategy.

Friendly, New and Old Generation Minded

Kay combines her friendly personable nature with a young but open perspective on global legal and commercial issues. Kay is also capable of being direct and firm on principle.

Versatile Team Player

Kay studied in Songkhla, lives in Phuket, works for Hughes Krupica in Phuket, and will with ease travel to Bangkok or another Province to complete a task, attend a function, seminar or training and development program or carry out vital court, dispute resolution or transactional work.


Kay has passion for scuba diving and the under sea world. She enjoys spending time diving which can make her free time a precious resource.


Kay also has an interest in photography. She mostly likes to take photos in each place she visits with her own camera.


Kay often spends time to travel both within Thailand and abroad because her view is that traveling can expand new experiences and perspectives in her life. She loves to learn from her traveling.

Kay's Social Networks

I strive to complement my Clients’ business skills and strengths by providing a different lens on potential risks, costs and outcomes. A strategy can be optimized by collaboration.

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Desmond Hughes
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Robert Krupica
Co-Founder and Senior Partner

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Pongsak Daengkaew (Oad)
Co-Founder and Partner

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Wittawas Oungan (Champ)
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Prawit Roektalang (Prawit)
Litigation of Counsel

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I enjoy the challenge of solving the difficult translator dynamics between Thai and English, English and Thai. I practice my skills on a daily basis and have devoted my professional and free time to further study of my craft

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